
Explanation of settings.toml. Caster settings can be edited in the following ways:

  • Edited through a GUI. Say launch caster settings. Once done, say complete to save the file

  • The settings file can be summoned manually by saying bring me caster settings file to your default editor for .toml files

The following is an example.toml settings file with comments explaining the various settings. Some of the settings fields have been truncated for brevity as noted in the comments.

[Tree_Node_Path] # Paths for Node Tree Rules
SM_CSS_TREE_PATH = "C:\\Users\\Main\\AppData\\Local\\caster\\data\\sm_css_tree.toml"

[engine] # controls configuration of engine.
default_engine_mode = false #  Changes default mode when caster starts
engine_mode = "normal" # Currently implementfor DNS Only/DPI.
# Valid mic_mode options
# 'normal': dictation and command (Default: Only/DPI only)
# 'dictation': Dictation only 
# 'command': Commands only (Default: Other engines)
# 'numbers': Numbers only
# 'spell': Spelling only

default_mic = false # Changes default mic mode when caster starts
mic_mode = "on"
# 'on': mic is on # default
# 'sleeping': mic from the sleeping and can be woken up by command
# 'off': mic off and cannot be turned back on by voice. (DNS Only)

mic_sleep_timer_on = true 
mic_sleep_timer = 300 # A timer puts microphone to after X seconds after last successful recognition.
#DNS/DPI has its own built-in sleep mode timer defaults to 5 minutes. Caster mic sleep timer will not work as expected beyond DNS/DPI 5 #minutes default timer (microphone will go to sleep prematurely). if you increase the default timer to greater than 5 minutes. Anything under 5 minutes/300 seconds caster mic sleep timer will work as expected.

[formats] # Truncated - Control setting dictation formatting per programming language.
# Legend - Represents text formatting (capitalization and spacing) rules.
# Each language can hold two formats. You can have differen formats for classes and variables for example.

[formats."C plus plus"] # Language
# The first number is capitalization and the second is spacing.
secondary_format = [2, 1] 
text_format = [3, 1]

[formats."C sharp"]
secondary_format = [2, 1]
text_format = [3, 1]

#    Commands for capitalization:
#    1 yell - ALLCAPS
#    2 tie - TitleCase
#    3 Gerrish - camelCase
#    4 sing - Sentencecase
#    5 laws (default) - alllower

#   Commands for word spacing:
#    0 (default except Gerrish) - words with spaces
#    1 gum (default for Gerrish)  - wordstogether
#    2 spine - words-with-hyphens
#    3 snake - words_with_underscores
#    4 pebble - words.with.fullstops
#    5 incline - words/with/slashes

default_hooks = ["PrinterHook"] # Default hooks. Do not edit. 

atom_palette_wait = 30 # Milliseconds to pause for atom palette functions
ccr_on = true # Toggle on and off all CCR commands regardless of grammar.
dev_commands = true # No longer used
history_playback_delay_secs = 1.0 # How fast the `playback` command replays from 'record from history'
hmc = true # Turns off GUI components of Caster
keypress_wait = 50 # Configurable keypress outer pause wait from dragonfly
legion_vertical_columns = 30 # How many vertical lines are in the Legion MouseGrid
max_ccr_repetitions = 16 # How many CCR commands can uttered in a row. Affects grammar complexity
print_rdescripts = true # Prints out commands to the status window after dictation
status_window_foreground_on_error = false # If Caster logs an error, the status window will appear for end user to evaluate error message
use_aenea = false # Enables aenea third-party integration

last_update_date = "2020-01-18" # Last time Caster looked for an Dragonfly update 
online_mode = true #  Disables all Caster features that utilize an internet connection 
update_interval = 7 #  Interval days between checking for updates

[paths] # Default generated paths: "." placeholder for empty path.
# Most of the settings here are auto generated which have been omitted except for the following.

AHK_PATH = "C:\\Program Files\\AutoHotkey\\AutoHotkey.exe" # Change the location of AutoHotkey
REMOTE_DEBUGGER_PATH = "." # Path to remote debugger
SIKULI_IDE = "." # To set up Sikuli
TERMINAL_PATH = "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe" # Customized to your preferred git bash

# Auto generated
BASE_PATH = "D:\\Backup\\Library\\Documents\\Caster\\castervoice" # Caster source code 
USER_DIR = "C:\\Users\\Main\\AppData\\Local\\caster" # Caster user directory 

[python] # Unused: future feature.
automatic_settings = true
pip = "pip"
version = "python"

enabled = false # Toggle sikuli third-party integration 
version = "" # Sikuli Version